Leimert Park takes on the Space Shuttle parade; attend Thursday's meetings

At a meeting a few months ago, residents somewhat seriously suggested they would lie down in front of the space shuttle to keep it from going through Leimert Park. Some one said the streets were already messed up (to put in new sewers and for resurfacing projects) and another said there was already too much construction (to bring the nearly billion dollar light rail to our neighborhood).

But it sounds like we are on the right path to get to see history and to save as many trees as possible and replacing the ones we lose with more mature trees. Read the ABC national story here.

Never again will a space shuttle roll down our streets - and the Endeavour will stop at Crenshaw and King. Remember the hoopla over that stupid rock that took weeks to get to LACMA? This is a lot more exciting.

The ECWANDC Community Task Force meeting will discusses the transport of the space shuttle, apparently with representatives from the California Science Center.

The meeting is Thursday, Sept. 6, 10 am to noon at the Community Health Councils, 3731 Stocker – Suite 201. Call (323) 295-9372 for more info.

The North Area Neighborhood Development Councilis also discussing the issue with Lark Galloway-Gilliam, president of the ECWANDC and Executive Director Community Health Councils.The California Science Center is also expected to attend. The NANDC meeting is Thursday, Sept. 6 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm at MLK Park near the corner of Western and King Blvd.

This is the ECWANDC task force's first meeting, but the Science Center has had met with the ECWANDC and other groups several times on the matter.

City Urban Forestry and Valley Crest will present a proposal to replant trees along Crenshaw and MLK Blvd. They are asked to provide a Street by street listing and visual display of replacements.
Requested specifics:

· Size of tree well

· Specie options

· Side walk depth

· Number and % of trees being removed per street

· Number and % if trees to be replanted and/or added.

Also requested: Notifying occupants within 1000 feet radius of the trees to be removed.

This above is taken from an email from Lark.

Yesterday the California Science Center sent the following statement from the president of the California Science Center Jeff Rudolph:

"The Space Shuttle Endeavour will arrive on Sept. 20 and will be transported on city streets to the center in Exposition Park in October. It will be one of the largest things ever to move over a city street in Los Angeles history. To make way for the shuttle the Science Center, working the cities of Los Angeles and Inglewood will be moving power lines, street light and trees. For every tree that will be removed, two will be planted with higher quality trees and we will make additional improvements to beautify the cities. Two years of tree maintenance will also be provided by the California Science Center Foundation."

I personally have heard that many of the trees on Crenshaw were to be removed in a year's time to make way for the construction of the Crenshaw light rail train. Also my wife works at the California Science Center.

According to the LA CIty website these are the trees to be removed, which include a number of trees on King and some near the corner of Crenshaw and King:

Space Shuttle Delivery - 7856 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
374  Space Shuttle Delivery - 7850 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
375  Space Shuttle Delivery - 7810 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
376  Space Shuttle Delivery - 7716 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
377  Space Shuttle Delivery - 7706 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
378  Space Shuttle Delivery - 3320 W 77th St  08/13/2012  Various     
379  Space Shuttle Delivery - 7616 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
380  Space Shuttle Delivery - 7606 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
381  Space Shuttle Delivery - 3320 W 76th St  08/13/2012  Various     
382  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5870 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
383  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5719 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
384  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5457 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
385  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5477 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
386  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5443 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
387  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5401 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
388  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5457 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
389  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5447 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
390  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5443 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
391  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5401 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
392  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5311-5341 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
393  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5349 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
394  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5341 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
395  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5335 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
396  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5311 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
397  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5141 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
399  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5117-5133 Crenshaw Bl (Service Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
400  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5125 Crenshaw Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
401  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5101 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
402  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5031 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
403  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5025 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
404  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5019 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
405  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5009 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
406  Space Shuttle Delivery - 5001 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
407  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4853 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
408  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4847 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
409  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4843 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
410  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4837 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
411  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4827 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
412  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4821 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
413  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4711 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
414  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4705 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
415  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4649 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
416  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4445 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
417  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4441 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
418  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4435 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
419  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4427 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
420  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4417 Crenshaw Bl (Center Median)  08/13/2012  Various     
421  Space Shuttle Delivery - 3534 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
422  Space Shuttle Delivery - 3506 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
423  Space Shuttle Delivery - 3414 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
424  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4026 Bronson Av  08/13/2012  Various     
425  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4020 Cherrywood Av  08/13/2012  Various     
426  Space Shuttle Delivery - 3100 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
427  Space Shuttle Delivery - 3006 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
428  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4020 Welland Av  08/13/2012  Various     
429  Space Shuttle Delivery - 4021 6th Av  08/13/2012  Various     
430  Space Shuttle Delivery - 2041 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
431  Space Shuttle Delivery - 2027-2029 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
432  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1941-1939 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
433  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1933-1937 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
434  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1929-1931 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
435  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1861 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
436  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1849-1851 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
437  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1849 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
438  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1823-1827 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
439  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1546 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  Various     
440  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1471 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  13  Various     
441  Space Shuttle Delivery - 1441 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl  08/13/2012  14  Various     
442  Space Shuttle Delivery - Various Locations in Westchester Area  08/13/2012  124  Various     
443  Space Shuttle Delivery - 8770 S La Tijera Bl  08/13/2012  Various     


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Comment by Monica on September 18, 2012 at 10:40am

I am so against the cutting down of so many beautful, historic trees.  Yes, some are overgrown and are buckling the sidewalks but if the City was on it's job, there would be routine maintenance to ensure the trees dont' cause so much damage.  Instead, they use a 'historic event" such as the shuttle to initiate a damaging course of action.  The trees they cut on Exposition for the light rail still have the stumps and sidewalks all torn up with orange cones sitting on the stumps.  Really, and that's ok?  Unless they are going to plant trees that are at least 10 years old, the baby trees won't even be noticed and may not even survive if they are not cared for.  There's always an underlying motive to what our officials do.  Do they honestly think giving us 2/3 trees for every 1 cut down will make a difference?  Why not take the shuttle down century blvd to figueroa, make a left and head straight down to the museum?  These are large streets, covers so many communities, plenty of sidewalk for all to come out and view the transport.  It just never stops!  What was the end result of yesterday's meeting?  Can someone provide an update?  Thank you!

Comment by Yvonne Ellett on September 16, 2012 at 6:03pm

Cool about the tree count.  The Task Force worked hard on this.   If residents can't make it to City Hall because they're working, the Shuttle topic can be added with a vote and will also be spoken about at the evening Board meeting.

Comment by enhager on September 16, 2012 at 4:22pm

I also got a notice that there was a city meeting tomorrow -


City of Los Angeles

                                         BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS
                                        Monday, September 17, 2012
                             9:30 a.m.  -  Edward R. Roybal BPW Session Room
    Room 350 City Hall
    200 North Spring Street
    Los Angeles, California  90012
PRESENTATION       The California Science Center
                                    re: the Space Shuttle Endeavor Transport


Lark Galloway-Gilliam, president of the area neighborhood council, also sent this as the latest tree report.

ValleyCrest Landscape Development
Space Shuttle Endevour Move Project
City of L.A. Tree Disposition Summary
Large Intrusive Tree / Removal 19
Large Tree / Removal 22
Small Tree / Removal 78
Small Tree / Transplant 3
Total Trees 122
Callistemon citrinus 4
Ceratonia siliqua 3
Cercis occidentalis 1
Cupaniopsis anacardioides 4
Eucalyptus 12
Ficus microcarpa nitida 8
Hibiscus 1
Liquidambar styraciflua 1
Magnolia grandiflora 41
Pinus canariensis 4
Platanus acerifolia 11
Podocarpus gracilior 5
Pyrus kawakamii 4
Washingtonia robusta 23
Total Trees 122
Trees Over 15' Height and 10" Caliper 43
Other Trees 79
Comment by Yvonne Ellett on September 16, 2012 at 1:47pm

There will be a meeting tomorrow night at the DWP community room.  One of the topics will cover the latest results of several ongoing conversations with the Science Center: 


I know everyone's eyes roll into the back of their heads with the mention of the words "community meetings".  As a community, we turn out in force all riled up to meetings then slip out silently because, in a word, these meetings bore most of us.  The reality is that everything in this City is done through a series of meetings -- some big, some small, some very private, some very open but poorly attended.  Our elected officials -- or their representatives -- attend almost every single one of these meetings.  You could have a full-time job going to every meeting that has something to do with Baldwin/Crenshaw/Leimert and still do O.T.

The entire Neighborhood Council system in Los Angeles was set up to prevent or alleviate issues like what the Science Center is doing.  So, when everyone complains how The Westside or The Valley always get their way, it's simply because the residents of those areas put a little effort into knowing and helping make the decisions for their communities before it's too late.  It's an effort that takes practice with a willingness to learn.  Our elected officials didn't hear the stakeholders prior to the Science Center's plans, whether that was because they were too busy battling one another over Redistricting or that we never speak up so they never considered we'd mind.

The few community leaders we have are burning out because they're always the ones who are participating, the ones leading the charge, the ones attending all these meetings and fretting over the ones they can't attend.  Our community leaders need to know every Stakeholder really does care beyond what's a minor annoyance now.  Our apathy is our community's greatest undoing

@Bob Thomas -- did you direct your outrage to any of your elected officials: Mark Ridley-Thomas, Bernard Parks/or Herb Wesson, Karen Bass, Curren Price?  @Noah Rappaport -- did you contact any of those important people you know?  We all have it within our own grasp to start effecting change around us.  Little by little we become magnets and begin to connect with other people who feel the same way -- whether that's helpless or empowered.  Yes, let's keep asking these important questions, then let's try to personally come up with solutions and support our neighborhood volunteers.

Comment by noah rappaport on September 15, 2012 at 12:07pm

So.  Where do we stand?  What needs to be done please?

Comment by noah rappaport on September 9, 2012 at 7:21pm

I know some important people.  Who needs to hear our complaint in order for a change to take place?

Comment by Bob Thomas on September 9, 2012 at 6:39pm

I wish I could post photos of the really MAGNIFICENT TREES they will cut down. I TOTALLY OPPOSE THIS RAPE OF OUR COMMUNITY'S MEAGER RESOURCES!!!! Now then, when the shuttle was taken to its lift-off location, it was positioned in a VERTICAL MANNER. That way, the wings are NOT HORIZONTAL and should NOT require the destruction of OUR TREES on its path to the museum. THEY(?) had originally proposed going down LEIMERT BL. where the stately pines form a natural green tunnel. At least SOMEONE saw how stupid that would be....WHERE THE HELL ARE OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES AT ALL LEVELS WHEN WE NEED THEM........FIGHT BACK EVERYONE!!!

Comment by noah rappaport on September 6, 2012 at 11:20pm

I agree completely with Heather Lee Presha.  Why don't they dismantle the Space Shuttle & bring it down the street at night?  Leave the trees intact ...

Comment by Heather Lee Presha on September 6, 2012 at 9:45pm

I just think it's very interesting that we have been begging to have our neighborhood block trees trimmed  for safety issues and to allow for better access to our garbage and delivery trucks---all to no avail due to budget cuts.  But now folks are willing to come and chop down whole trees for the space shuttle.  UNBELIEVABLE!

Comment by Yvonne Ellett on September 5, 2012 at 11:19pm

Hi, Eddie -- actually, the ECWANDC Task Force has met several times.  The first meeting was at Councilman Herb Wesson's offices.  Pictures and captions here:  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.512652765428298.130905.51...

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