10 Sept 2k11
Attending the regularly scheduled Neighborhood Council meeting I discovered we have a lot of work to do. Be that as it may, an opportunity does exist for the legacy of our community to step-up our game and lean forward n2 the 21st Century.
**The vacancies that were open on the Board for Area Rep and At Large Representative were filled by unanimous consent. The vacancies for Treasurer and Planning & Land Use were not filled.
** Council's FY2011-12 Budget Proposal was accepted.
**Updates for The Crenshaw/Lax 'Light-Rail' line were discussed. Making clear that when the MTA Board meets on the 22nd of Sept they will be "voting" to "approve" a plan NOT supported by The Crenshaw Subway Coalition [CSC]. http://crenshawsubway.org/2011/09/mtas-final-document/. Please lend your support to have our Leimert Park Villiage Station returned to the Project Plan! OUR LEGACY IS AT STAKE. Thank you-_-*
**A motion presented by Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian, 2nd District, was mentioned and decided upon quickly to be addressed at next regular TownHall meeting. The motion... a plan for the implementation of a training program for Neighborhood Council board members that covers the following topics: 1. Ethics and Legal Issues; 2. Workplace violence and Sexual Harassment; 3. Funding Program; 4. City Government Basics; 5. Parliamentary Process; and 6. Counity Leadership
**Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Update from Jason Lombard, BHCP Community Outreach Director. Tyler's "Free" Film Festival at The Rave; Post & Beam scheduled to open on Sept 30 2011; Staples on slate to open in November of this year. Concert Series is in full swing, with SheilaE @ 7pm on the 21st of this month.
So Neighbors, there we have it. As you can see there is much work before us. I encourage you to pay-forward the skills and talents you have in the service of our Children and the honor of our Ancestors-_-* Together we should have the highest standard and quality of life that provides living-wage jobs and the excellence in education our Children deserve.
I warmly thank you for your earnest consideration. Next TownHall will meet: Spt 19, 2011 * Mon 6:30p - 8p at DWP Community Room, 4030 Crenshaw Blvd. [behind KrispyKreams]...
Peace Always BWithYou,
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Read the stories - Urban Economy 411, Redevelopment Hell and One of these don't belong.
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