This is a check up journal to see what your all about? I m a writer and businessman. I write short essays on any subject that interest me. This morning it's you. Why you? well why not? Have you ever sat down, layed down, walked, etc and thought about what you really want out of life? Do you have short term goals, long term goals. Are your life goals important enough for you to write down? The obvious answer to that question is yes... but has procrastination or having a busy life kept you from doing it? ... The answer to that one is probaly yes also? Well in order to understand yourself better I highly recommend that you take the time to do this important life priority task for yourself. I promise you it will bring more order and clearity to your life.
As we all move through the daily trials and tribulations of life there are ups and downs for all of us. The important thing to remember is to not allow outside influences affect how you deal with you life. What do I mean by that? Well, an example is all the negative news that we all are subjected to on a daily basis. Don't allow negative influences, news, family, friends, whatever to dictate how your personal mindset will be. Work daily towards maintaining a positive mental outlook on yourself and your life. This is important not only for you but those that are around you i.e. your family and friends. Be that shining light of hope, positive energy for yourself and those you love. It's very important to identify negative forces in your life and remove them immediatly!... they are a drain on you and everyone around you. Make positive energy and flow your mantra in life!
I have more to say on this subject but I will reserve that for another journal post. I just thought I 'd take the time to examine two positive elements of life that could possible help you in your quest towards maintaining a happy life. That is one of my goals as your LPB-friend. I may not ever talk to you? meet you? in life.... but I still care about your overall well being as a woman on this earth at this time in life. From a brother who cares.
These are just some thoughts that were in my head I thought I'd share. I don't assume you have not set goals... or anything... because I m sure at some point in life we all have. But I sat down the other day and wrote down my present goals, and you'd be surprised how they change over time. Therefore it important do this exercise on regular basis and constantly review update and refine them.
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