Jamael Dean - Fri., July 16th, 8PM PT "Live-Stream - Recordin' / Concert-Series +" From: The 'new' World STAGE *updatez* [Up Next; Charles Owens "La La Land'z 'Wind-Master' " 7/23]

Jamael Dean & The Afronauts live at the Casita - YouTube
"Listen Hear" Jamael Dean & The Afronauts live @ the Casita
Next-up: La La Landz Saxman, Charles Owens "Plays w/ so much feelin' "
"The Village LIVES!" - Eddie North-Hager, LeimertParkBeat.com +
"Best So-L.A. Jazz Club 'n Jam Session - LA Weekly (former hm. of Brick's Picks)
"Alwayz somethin' happenin' @ The World Stage in beautiful Leimert Park." - Mark Maxwell, "Humble Facilitator" (24 yrs.)retired Host of RISE on KPFK 90.7FM

"live streams of the best (J)azz in L.A." - Greg Burk & Friends, MetalJazz.com



 Lady "NaNa" Rene Fisher Mims, S.H.I.N.E. Mawusi Women's African Drum Circle - Director/Founder & Jazz Vocal Workshop - Coordinator

 + MC Jeffrey Winston "Jazz Herstorian" 

Image result for Jeffrey Winston

 or MC Matt M. Gibson "The Biggest Voice in-the-World"

Matt M Gibson "The Voice of God" Voice Over Artist Interview - The World Stage 2020 - YouTube

Tomo Sato Facebook, Twitter & MySpace on PeekYou
 Tomo "Sound"

The 'new' World STAGE Executive Director -

 Dwight Trible - Stay Strong Everybody



      May be an image of text that says 'The Billy Higgins Instrumental JAM session Starting MAY 27TH OPEN FOR MUSICIANS Thunsdays 8PM 11PM 5 of vaccination Entry Fee Free with proof 4321 Degnan Blvd, Los Angeles Outside Patio'  May be an image of text that says 'The Rose Gales Vocal JAM session Starting MAY 30TH OPEN MIC FOR VOCALIST EW THE W 中 Sundays 8PM 11PM 5 of vaccination Entry Fee Free with proof 4321 Degnan Blvd, Los Angeles Outside Patio Covid'




.Eventbrite: (search) Advance Tickets - (highly recommended when available)
UPF: ft. pg. news Blog Post events  For the USC & Expo. Pk. neighborhoods in L.A. 
Instagram: TWS (search)
4321 Degnan Blvd. · Los Angeles (Leimert Park Village) 90008 · (323) 293-2451 · http://www.theworldstage.org
(entrance & parking in rear)

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Comment by DojO- on February 26, 2020 at 10:53pm

[|_ive On-Air] "Humble Facilitator" Mark Maxwell, Host (23rd yr.) RISE on KPFK w/ "...regular announcements regarding local community events & performances." "The best live radio sho- of it's kind" -  O-! 

(followin' RISE theme song by Gary Bartz - Ntu Troop 9:45); Dexter Gordon - Quartet Antabas (30:24 announced playlist) {*updatez* "LTD" Dexter Gordon Project/Tribute Th. 27th 8PM~ @ The 'newly renovated' World STAGE} "in beautiful Leimert Park" (Village) - /\/\/\/\

(personnel comment on Munyungo Jackson - Desert Crossing (53:18 talk-over) "features vocals of Dwight Trible & Sheila Govindarajan. Sheila will b @ TWS this Fri., starting @ 9PM. Something U mayb interested in..." - /\/\/\/\

{*updatez* James Leary's Bass Choir "Bassed" @ TWS Sat., Feb. 29th 9PM~ "Alwayz somthin' happenin' @ The World Stage" - /\/\/\/\
Image may contain: Mark Maxwell (35:20 talk-over Cecil Taylor - Motystrophe) "i do want 2 remind U that, your listenin' 2, listener supported KPFK. What makes it listener supported? Well, the fact that, rather than playin' commercials, or taking corporate sponsorship, we come 2 r listeners, a few times a yr. & ask 4 yo'r support. This is 1 of those times. This is Feb. Fund Drive that were into now. So I hope U'll take a moment, if U havn't already, 2 go 2 KPFK.org & pledge yo'r support there. it's quick, U should b able 2 do it in a few minutes. & we hav thank U gifts, To: thank U For: Yo'r pledge, & that U can see online as well. So, i do hope U'll take the moment, as i said, it's very important. It's how we r able 2 program in a unique way. & we feel in a important way. 2 bring U sounds & thoughts & discourse that U don't get anywhere else, on the radio dial. & perhaps anywhere elce period. So, if that's important 2 U, if U appreciate that, plz pledge @ any level that U can. whatever it is will b appreciated & put 2 good use... So, there U go... My apologizes To: Ted Curson For: speakin' over his trumpet (solo)" - /\/\/\/\

 Mondaze 12:00AM - 3:00AM 

A weekly creative (J)azz celebration of African roots, social consciousness & spiritual transcendence.


 Public Radio - On-the World-Wide-Web or Online Archives - Mon, February 24, 2020 12:00 am

Plz consider donating on behalf of Mark Maxwell / RISE -  O-!
Comment by DojO- on February 20, 2020 at 7:56pm
LA Jazz Quick Calendar (*updatez*)
(TWS 30th Yr. "Winter Jazz Concert Series +" Black History Month)
Friday 2/21  9:00PM – Karen Briggs
Saturday 2/22  (8):00PM – Alex Cline
(Monday 2/24  9:00PM – Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz/Performance / JAM Session)
(@) The ('newly renovated') World Stage - So(uth)L.A.s' Leimert Park (Village) 
       Jazz Non-Profit
Inline image
Comment by DojO- on February 4, 2020 at 3:24pm

Wuz Hot? Weekly Best Bets 4 Live Jazz L.A. *updatez*

(Black History Month "Winter Jazz Concert Series +")
(Thursday 2/6 – Percussionist Kahil El'Zabar - Ethnic Heritage Ensemble)
Friday 2/7 – Trombonist Ryan Porter
(Saturday 2/8 – Guitarist Daryl Darden)
(All @) The ('newly renovated') World Stage in So(uth)L.A.'s Leimert Park - Village)
Comment by DojO- on February 1, 2020 at 10:54am

[|_ive On-Air] Gig mention by Tom Nixon, Host of "The Nixon Tapes"/Roots Music & Beyond on KPFK 90.7FM. This wk's theme 

Image may contain: 1 person (1:41:00) "I want 2 letuno that 2nite @ The World Stage, that's @ 4321 Degnan Blvd. in Leimert Park (Village) There's going 2 b a great Jazz performance, 9 to 11:30PM w/ vocalist Lynne Fiddmont. That's going b great stuff. If U want 2 go out there, 4 mo info check-it-out" (website @ theworldstage.org) - TN

 Americana to world music sounds, folk to funk, bluegrass to blues & beyond w/ The "Nixon Tapes" 1st Sat. of the month - takes listeners on a dithyrambic musical romp through all eras & areas making the familiar sound unfamiliar & vice versa. 


Public Radio - On-the World-Wide-Web or Online Archives - Sat, Feb 1, '20 6:00 am

PS  Highly rec. a'listin' 2 Don Cherry, There is the Bomb & Grant Green, Cease The Bombing. Where else? BUT on The Nixon Tapes w/ Tom Nixon period exclamation dot dot diddy comma wair music is music ellipsis


Comment by DojO- on January 23, 2020 at 3:47am
Wuz Hot? Weekly Best Bets 4 Live Jazz L.A.
(Winter Jazz Concert Series +)
Friday 1/24 – (Band Leader) Jose Rizo’s Mongorama
Saturday 1/25 – Pianist Joshua White (Trio)
(both @) The ('renewed') World Stage in So(uth)L.A.'s Leimert Park - Village)
Comment by DojO- on January 6, 2020 at 5:30am

[|_ive On-Air] "Humble Facilitator" Mark Maxwell, Host (23rd yr.) RISE on KPFK w/ "...regular announcements regarding local community events & performances." "The best live radio sho- of it's kind" -  O-!Image may contain: Mark Maxwell [talk-over] (2:46:30) "This is the sound of Pharoah Sanders. & so, this is, gon'na take us all-the-way 2 the top of the hr. & on-out... But b4 we go... (2:49:35) The Pharoah Sanders were listinin' 2 now, comes from his classic, 1966 recordin' on the Impulse record label. Tauhid wuz actually released 1967 for the Impulse record label. & the tune were listin' 2 is the 1st track, Upper Egypt & Lower Egypt(e). This wuz actually recorded Nov. of '66. It featured, well, that guitar U heard prominently, that wuz Sonny SharrockHenry Grimes - bass, Dave Burrell - piano, Roger Blank - drums & Nat Bettis - percussion... So, once again, i want 2 remind U, b4 we get goin'..."

"The World Stage is alwayz in-effect, they've got the Jazz Jam (hosted by Cornel Fauler? vs James Janisse) on Th's.. On Fri.s, performances will b startin'-up again w/ a special 1 w/ Bobby West. So, U-no U want that. But, that's not gonna b this comin' Fri., the followin' Fri.. But off-the-top-of-duh-dome i'm not rememberin' the date. But i guess, the 17? That's 'bout rite... (Sir-rite!) Lots 2 check-out... enjoy-it... U-no next wk.? It's gonna b my wonderful guest host Ollie Bivins. He'll hav sumthin special 4U" - /\/\/\/\

 Mondaze 12:00AM - 3:00AM 

A weekly creative (J)azz celebration of African roots, social consciousness & spiritual transcendence.


 Public Radio - On-the World-Wide-Web or Online Archives - Mon., Jan. 6, 2020 12:00 am

Comment by DojO- on December 22, 2019 at 5:31am

"The 'newer' World Stage. it's not a place, it's a spirit." -

The transformation is gonna b good—but it’s hard work! - Rene

Comment by DojO- on December 6, 2019 at 1:46am
"LA Jazz Quick Calendar *updatez*

("Fall back into Autumn Jazz Concert Series +")

Friday 12/6 – Vocalist Sheree Brown (& Friends)

Saturday 12/7 – The Acoustic Revelation Band (feat. Co-Leaders "Sensei" Latif & Karl…"

(Both @) The ('new') World Stage - So(uth)L.A.s' Leimert Park (Village) 
       Jazz Non-Profit
Comment by DojO- on November 20, 2019 at 6:48am

|_ive On-Air "...regular announcement(s) regarding local community events & performances." by "Humble Facilitator" /\/\ark /\/\axwell, Host of RISE on KPFK "The best live radio sho- of it's kind" -  O-! (pic. below on flute)

Image result for mark maxwell (1:43:00, segue after play'n Les McCann, Benjamin w/ Donald Dean - drums) (2:00) "...& Donald Dean, the drummer, by-the-way, is actually going 2b performing @ The World Stage this Sat. ...& so that's special. Great drummer Donald Dean @ TWS, he'z got 2 sets 4 U, 9 & 10:30. That's this Sat., Nov. 23rd... in beautiful Leimert Park. So, somethin' 2 check-out. foo-shoo-... Actually, U-no, speakin' of the TWS, this wkend, Sat. it's Donald Dean (Sr.). On Fri., actually, it will b, a (Film) Gala for the I've Known Rivers Film Fest. So when we come back after a short break, we're goin' 2 jump into I've Known Rivers, as the great Langston Hughes poem, turn-into song by Gary Bartz. havn't played this 4 awhile. i luv this tune... (2:04) (2:52 talk-over/segue w/ Pharoah, Thembi " (2:46:40) ...& i should let U know... Also, @ TWS, i mentioned Donald Dean will b performin' on Sat.. That's special, so, U-no wha- even sounds better than vinyl? Live music. So mayb get yourself some." - /\/\/\/\

 Mondaze 12:00AM - 3:00AM 

A weekly creative (J)azz celebration of African roots, social consciousness & spiritual transcendence.


 Public Radio - On-the World-Wide-Web or Online Archives - Mon., Nov. 18, 2019 12:00 am

Comment by DojO- on November 11, 2019 at 7:31am

|_ive On-Air "gig mention" - The Pan African Peoples Arkestra @ The World Stage "...regular announcement(s) regarding local community events & performances." 'n " 'O.B.'z' 'Jazz News Briefs' "

Image result for Ollie Bivins - "O" Ollie "B" Bivins, RISE on KPFK 90.7FM, 2nd Mon. of the month Guest Host 'n X-Co-Editor/writer, All About Jazz/The Jazz Messenger/L.A.

(talk-over @ 26:28~ Alvin Fielder Trio, not posted 2 playlist ~29:14) "All rite, time 4 sum Jazz News Briefs... Brooklyn street name Randy Weston... (passing) John Connors... pasted a resolution designatin' Jazz, quote A Nation American Treasure...  (31:33) ...NY City Jazz Record column Less We Forget, Nov. issue... Billy Higgins, concise well written bio.... also mentions The World Stage... (segue) & jus' a' headz-up, there's always somethin' go'n-on @ TWS. This comin' Fri., Nov. 15th, The Pan African Arkestra (aka PAPA aka The Ark) will perform. The 1st sho- is @ 9, the 2nd is @ 10:30. On Tu., Nov. 12th it's their Vocal Jam Session & that's from 10pm 2 12am. TWS is located @ 4321 Degnan Bl., Leimert Park & 4 mo info. U can go 2 theworldstage.org (31:33) " - O.B.  

 Mondaze 12:00AM - 3:00AM 

A weekly creative (J)azz celebration of African roots, social consciousness & spiritual transcendence.


 Public Radio - On-the World-Wide-Web or Online Archives - Mon., Nov. 11, 2019 12:00 am 

KPKF's on air Fund Drive is now over. Thanks to everyone who pledged & supported the station during the drive.
   Your support of KPFK helps make special broadcasts like this possible. Please consider utilizing the number of other ways you can support KPFK through a Donor Advisory Fund, Stocks or Mutual Funds, Charitable IRA, Leaving A Bequest or Vehicle Donation, & for a limited time you can pledge for select gifts you've heard mentioned during the current fund drive (here)
   Plz consider pledge'n on behalf of "Humble Facilitator" (reg. 20+ yrs.) Host Mark Maxwell & 2nd Mon. of-the-month Guest Host, Ollie Bivins. "The best live radio sho- of it's kind" - O-!

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Read the stories - Urban Economy 411, Redevelopment Hell and One of these don't belong.

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