Join friends and neighbors of the Crenshaw District for a free fun urban discovery ride.

All participating cyclists are eligible for prizes!

* On-site Registration & Bike Check Up: 8:00AM
* Welcome and Introductions: 8:30AM
* Ride Start Time: 9:00AM

Start and Finish Location:

Leimert Plaza Park Fountain, 4395 Leimert Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90008

The Leimert Plaza Park is located on the corner of Crenshaw Blvd and Vernon Ave.

Ride Information: and says:

This is a fun ride, not a race. It is a ride brings people together and gives them an opportunity to discover the community, the streets, their history, their culture and each other. The average speed of the ride will be 10-15 mph. Riders must stay in the group and follow the directions of the RIDE LEADERS. All traffic rules, light signals, and traffic regulations must be followed. Helmets are required for all ride participants under age 18.

Our goal is to introduce you to some new and historical sites in South Los Angeles while highlighting the many unique qualities of the neighborhood, from the architecture, the backstories and the trivia to the future, the possibilities and the vision!

If the average speed and distance is too easy or short for you join the ‘Dam’ Poker Challenge which will conquer some legendary hills and roundabouts at a quick pace. Complete all the challenges and collect the poker cards at each secret stop and play a round of poker at the end for prizes. Highest and Lowest Hands Win!


Convenient street parking is available in and around Leimert Plaza Park.

Other Info:

A free bike check up before the ride will be available; first come first served. Drumming will be on going throughout the day at the fountain and other musicians playing throughout the Village area. Music will be provided along the ride. Many choices of food and restaurants are available for local purchase. Lawn and picnic seating is available at Leimert Park. The prize drawing will begin after all the riders return to Leimert Park Plaza. Winners must be present to win. Only officially registered riders are eligible to win.

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Comment by Browne on September 8, 2009 at 5:51pm
I hope it is a great event.

I hope whoever is doing a search for the term urban (I am not saying it is you enhager, but whoever is) on my site gets that I'm not an idiot, that I'm consistent in what I say. I wouldn't generalize people based on their race and then turn around and do it on my site. My site has at one time or another has had every ethnicity and class group of writers represented. I hope whoever looked at my site noticed the only time urban was used was to describe urban planning and to use urban in the way that people claim they use it yet never do and it was to describe an outing I had at the Little Joy.

I mean whoever was searching for it, what was the point so they could say, "Well you used it too." That is such an easy argument to shread to pieces. I've been having that conversation since I was 15. It would be a very unfair conversation, because I have had so much practice perfecting my answer and making the person who asks such questions look like a moron and 100% of the time I haven't even said the thing people are asking why they can't use just some one who looked like me did...oh maybe that's what it is. Did the person who search for the word urban on my site think I would use it because they knew a black person who used the word? I think that would be a generalization or maybe a stereotype. Whoever is looking for the word on my site let's play a game. Asked me why I used the word urban to describe black people (though I haven't) yet have a problem with other people using it. Just for fun, go ahead whoever you are anonymous searcher of my blog. Go ahead I double dog dare you.

Comment by enhager on September 8, 2009 at 5:06pm
I can see this is going to be a great event that will create new friendships, strengthen the business district of Leimert Park Village and solidify Leimert Park's reputation as the Soul of Los Angeles.
Comment by Browne on September 8, 2009 at 4:43pm

My accusation isn't flimsy and my accusation is that it's a generalization which it is. Calling an african-american neighborhood urban is a generalization, especially Leimert Park.

Find one ride in a non black neighborhood with the word "urban" in the description. If urban means LA and city then why is it the only time its used to describe this ride, if this is what LA is and you would use that to describe LA it would seem that you would use it a little bit more than one time in four years, just saying.

You have to agree with that.

And if you don't get what urban means or what people think when they hear it here's a link so you can understand more.

And you and Jeremey made it into a Trent Lott situation. You were the one that ran to his blog and told him what I was saying, there was no reason for you to do that. My first statement was me respectfully stating my opinion it would have been that one statement.

And I never called him racist you and him need to get off that and move on and focus on what is offending me instead of thinking what I think Jeremy is I don't know if Jeremy is racist and don't care if he's not or is, but the urban part and discovery part bugged me. Stay focused on what I'm talking about instead of going onto this big "You are ACCUSING..." bs. I just said it's a generalization.

If you want to call Leimert Park something say it's artful, bohemian, ped friendly, use the same adjectives you do for everyone else or maybe if for some people that is too hard pretend that everyone in Leimert Park is white and then how would you describe it, that would probably be a good idea for some people who don't know any poc or one or two.

Comment by enhager on September 7, 2009 at 5:38pm
Los Angeles is urban. Therefore most of the neighborhoods within Los Angeles are urban. If the choice of the word urban is all you can hang the accusation on, it's just pretty flimsy. This isn't a Trent Lott situation.
Comment by Browne on September 6, 2009 at 8:55pm
Let it go Jeremy "Urban Expedition" isn't the same as the term urban. Again a ride that is specific to a particular neighborhood called "urban". Stop being that guy. Just admit what you meant and let it go.

Since you act like you don't understand let me be more specific give me an email from one of these discovery rides that is neighborhood specific that describes the ride in a nonblack neigborhood as urban.

And I asked for the link of the discovery rides, this is something you guys do all of the time so give me the link to the discovery rides then everyone can judge for themselves how you describe some neighborhoods and how you descibe others. I just want to see if there is consistency in the use of the word urban. I want to see if its used in this manner: i refer to the condition of the streets, density of people and diversification of business, industry and residences along the main thoroughfares---jeremey.

Great definition, so I want to see when YOU have used it personally in other instances for other rides that are in similar type traffic and neighborhood conditions.

If I see that is the case when I see these discovery rides and other rides that you have volunteered your time on to produce I will shut up or I will shut up when you stop commenting here, whatever comes first.

Comment by Jeremy Grant on September 6, 2009 at 8:20pm
Comment by Browne on September 6, 2009 at 7:35pm
So you couldn't find an urban ride, links no nothing, ok that's fine.

I don't care what kind of ride the Silver Lake area may or may not be I am saying no one would have urban as part of the description of a ride in Silver Lake or Hollywood. And I'm right because a link isn't some hard thing to find.

Keep making a difference, cycling is a trailblazing activity and I say that as a big supporter of alt transit.

And by the way I never used the term racist (I have no problem using that term if it's warranted) I said you guys made a generalization of a neighborhood if you feel guilty about something that's on you not me. You need to just relax and stop being so uptight. Discourse isn't bad.

Comment by Jeremy Grant on September 6, 2009 at 6:44pm
you're right, i don't have to validate myself, my personal blog, the intent of this ride to you or anyone.

i will however object to your baseless accusations of racism and will state that we are a volunteer group and if any money is spent it comes out of our own shallow pockets. i volunteer to make a difference... not to have my name posted around for everyone to see like a politician.

urban velo (blog), urban village (silverlake), Urban Land Institute, urban planner, Urban League, i asked a fellow greenster "hey, what kind of riding is hollywood and silverlake" she said "urban"

you'll just have to come out and see if it's all bullcrap or not... debating here won't help the perspective much.
Comment by Browne on September 6, 2009 at 5:57pm

Thanks for coming down. I've never seen you on this site. I'm sure I just missed your other posts.

In regards to the Greensters to me you do what you want with your money. I think what they are doing is a great thing. I am on their facebook page. And I misspoke; I meant the movie was done sustainably like you said. Thank you for correcting me on that point.

" I've been involved in fighting for the rights, freedoms and services of many communities across all color lines since I was 13 and it still pains me to read and hear such uninvestigated blanket statements about what we're trying to do..."This pains me too. I hate when people call me and neighborhoods with people who look like me urban.

I will try to be open-minded in regards to you....alright I'm back I went to your blog. You are a cyclist. The only instance of urban that comes up for a ride is this ride in Leimert Park.

I don't see any diversity based blogs linked there. And actually for someone so concerned about diversity and it hurting you so bad to be questioned about your motives your blog is one of the most monolithic blog culturally I have ever seen, you don't even have the obligatory token poc blog that most people link. This is LA how can you have no blogs that talk about issues of color linked via your site. And you seem to be an avid blogger can you provide some links where you've at least commented on issues of diversity. Of course you don't have to, but me being a rare person who frequents alt transit, social justice as well as mainstream blogs I don't remember seeing you pop up in defense of the many blanketed statements made about poc on the blogosphere on more mainstream sites. Doesn't mean you didn't do it, but it means I haven't seen you which is weird since you've been fighting the good fight since you were 13.I'm not trying to be accusatory. I'm just being critical. I like your explanation as to why its called urban, but again I would like a link where a Hollywood or Silver Lake ride was called urban, just so I can show other people that urban is not some code generalized word for black people. Lets spread knowledge of other people's perspective. Help me help other see that urban doesn't mean black. I tried to find one via google and I did not have any luck, but since you know the origins you may have better luck.

I would like proof of an area not black being called urban by you or your associates and I will offer my sincerest apologies. And Jeremy I'm totally ok with cyclist fighting for their rights. I am a cyclist I don't have a car, but I do have a problem with certain members of your crew calling yourself oppressed, which you obviously do not. Again no problem with your oppression but you need to acknowledge other people's oppression which you guys don't. Maybe you should have Aubrey come down here and talk about this since you throw out Aubrey's name. Why isn't Parks on the flyer, why isn't Aubrey on the flyer, why aren't they on the email, I mean to me and please don't take the offensively, but it seems like to me that you just have Aubrey out there to say, "oh no we're totally not like you think because we have this one person who lives in your neighborhood that's part of it." I don't know about you, but if I was planning a ride I would want my name somewhere on that flyer or at least on the email blast, where is it and where is Parks info on there and why isn't he brought up. That's weird to me. Also is there a blog to this discovery series of rides, I would like to visit it so I can "discover" a neighborhood.
Comment by Jeremy Grant on September 6, 2009 at 4:33pm
Hi! I'd like to clear up some aspects of the ride.

It will be about 18 - 20 miles with plenty of rest stops every few miles or so. There will also be a smaller group going a longer distance if you wish to ride further.

The ride was created by Aubrey Provost who is on the LA Bicycle Advisory Committee from Council District #8, Bernard Park's district, in South LA.

In planning the ride, Aubrey is supported by the LA Greensters who have lived, traveled thru and worked in South LA , the LA Park Czar whom has projects in South LA, Soup Box LA who fights city hall for South LA on occasion. In promoting the ride we have been in contact with various businesses and riding groups in the Leimert Park Village and greater South LA area.

Discovery is used in the same way the other Council Districts have named their rides. If there is to be any intended negative connotation to the word discovery it should be seen as : "Step outside the confines of your car and DISCOVER what this community really has to offer!" So many opportunities are missed otherwise.

When I use the word urban i refer to the condition of the streets, density of people and diversification of business, industry and residences along the main thoroughfares. It is also in reference to the nature of the street traffic - ie - urban riding vs. trail or countryside. I don't use it to refer to the color of people's skin or the nature of their finances.

Browne, the film you are referring to was not about sustainability. it was produced sustainably and was open for everyone to participate regardless of skin color. As for your comments about cyclists and their equal rights to the road I'd rather not debate with you.

I wont speak for all the Greensters; but, I've been involved in fighting for the rights, freedoms and services of many communities across all color lines since I was 13 and it still pains me to read and hear such uninvestigated blanket statements about what we're trying to do. Please come to the ride, we'd all enjoy the lively discussion.

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Read the stories - Urban Economy 411, Redevelopment Hell and One of these don't belong.

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