Worlds Leaders Magazine Interviews Dr. Angela Butts Chester

Worlds Leaders

Supporting Empowerment and Fulfillment through Empathic Leadership

Dr. Angela Butts Chester epitomizes empathic leadership, viewing it as more than just a means to accomplish tasks and achieve goals—it’s about prioritizing people. With a deep-seated belief in the power of empathy, she forges meaningful connections with her team, fostering a supportive and collaborative work environment.

As a multifaceted professional, Dr. Butts Chester wears several hats with grace and conviction. She serves as a Pastoral Counselor and Empowerment Coach, guiding individuals on their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. Her role as a Media Entrepreneur allows her to amplify voices and stories that inspire and uplift. Additionally, she is recognized as an International Women’s Speaker, leveraging her platform to empower women worldwide.

Dr. Butts Chester’s resilience shines through her journey as a Breast Cancer Survivor, embodying strength and perseverance in the face of adversity. Her unwavering commitment to her values and mission has earned her a place among the Top 25 Thought Leaders in her field.

At the core of her endeavors lies a singular purpose: to assist faith-centered, purpose-driven women in realizing their full potential and achieving success on their terms. Dr. Angela Butts Chester’s leadership is a beacon of empathy, compassion, and empowerment, illuminating pathways to personal and professional fulfillment for those she serves.

Below are highlights of the interview conducted between World’s Leaders and Dr. Angela Butts Chester:

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