Comments by Eric Wattree
Sep 28th, 13:49
I agree with that, Handworn.
The way that I've tried to overcome that is to recognize that God made birds to fly, fish to swim, and man to think. So the essence of our being is not what we look like but what we think. So I feel much more closely related to someone like Bill Clinton than I do to people like Cornel West or Tavis Smiley, becuse contrary to popular belief, Tavis and West don't see the big picture. They're still fighting the last war, while we're currently knee-deep in a class war.
Sep 27th, 05:03
Look at the polls. The country disagrees with you. Even many conservatives have a more favorable impression of Obama than they do Romney. How likely do you think it is that so many people are going to like a racist? But then, maybe everybody is delusional but you.
It is so amazing how people see what they want to see. Mitt Romney is an unqualified clown and the entire THINKING world can see it. And anyone who can't clearly see that it's not Obama that's racist is surely delusional.
Sep 27th, 04:33
I wish I'd said that. I would have saved myself a lot of writing.
Sep 26th, 21:19
Sep 26th, 21:12
Sep 26th, 20:08
Like most black people I used to like and admire both Tavis Smiley and Cornel West a great deal, but after they made public fools of themselves on the very day that Barack Obama announced his intention to run for president, I decided to do a little research into them instead of simply buying into the hype. Not long thereafter it started to become clear that their images were merely facades that hid highly ambitious, self-serving, and untrustworthy clowns of the worst kind - and that assessment is not based merely upon my opinion. The most cursory review of the facts will easily bear that out.
I found that Tavis is the most prolific corporate shill in the Black community, and he's closely associated with some of the most exploitive corporations of working class people in the country. So I began to ask myself, how can his so-called concern for the poor and middle class coexist with his association with Walmart, Nationwide Insurance, and other corporate manipulators of the poor and middle class?
I also began to ask myself how Tavis could possibly claim to be concerned about the plight of Black people, and then seek to pad his pocket by promoting R. Kelly, a man who became more famous for his alleged appearance in a graphic underground video of himself molesting a 14 year-old Black child, than for his musical ability? Sure, Kelly beat the case, but the video is still out there, and it is what it is.
And then there's Cornel West, a man who's literally made a career of spewing the depth of his love for his people to anyone who will listen, for a fee. With West, it's always brother this, or my dear brother that, yet, as badly as we need educators in the Black community, he has never taught at a school that more than 1% of Black people could afford to attend in his entire career? If he loves his people so much, why isn't he teaching third grade in the hood, or at the very least, instructing young people at one of the many Historically Black Colleges or Universities? Isn't teaching poor and middle-class students prestigious enough for him? Doesn't he love his people enough to want to see them well educated? I guess not, because while his incessantly running mouth says one thing, his behavior says another. It seems that he would much rather preach us a sermon than live us one.
While it seems that West can't inconvenience himself to the point of busting a grape when it comes to helping to educate Black children, he wants us to believe that he loves the Black community so much that he was forced to join forces with Ralph Nader and help to elect George Bush in the 2000 election. Bush won the election by 537 votes. The Nader-West coalition peel off 97,488 votes in Florida alone. But, of course, West only hepled to usher in the Bush-Cheney era, and the attendant misery that it brought to the Black community, in the interest of political chastity. You understand, right? . . . MORE
Eric L. Wattree
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Do you know the difference between an efficient thinker and an ideologue? I don't think you do, so I'll tell you. An efficient thinker gives truth priority over ideology, while an ideologue gives ideology priority over truth. You see, what you obviously fail to realize is, efficient thought requires that you first, see life as it is, and only then, as you would have it.
The Republican Party's failure to recognize that fact is exactly why they're losing. Do you actually think the American people are going to let the GOP drag them back to the conditions that the nation suffered prior to the New Deal? Unless you're rich, you wouldn't want that yourself. But you've obviously allowed your ideology to cloud your ability to think. Take a look at the GOP's one hundred year record of swindling the American people below: