Time: December 1, 2012 from 3pm to 6pm
Location: Kaos Network
Website or Map: http://www.larumbero,com
Event Type: drumming, song, dance, rumba
Organized By: Ricardo Tambor
Latest Activity: Jan 21, 2016
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Rincon Rumbero, Los Angeles’ only free and open Afro-Cuban rumba, returns on Saturday, December 1, 2012 at the KAOS Network in Leimert Park, California from 3 PM to 6 PM.
As always this is open to all the rumberos, students of rumba, and people who just love the music. The traditions of rumba will be strictly maintained. Please do not bring your own instruments, as those will be provided. Do bring your energy, abilities, and willingness to participate – be it by playing, dancing, or joining in on the coro.
Feel free to bring an item to our community pot luck, and donations are always accepted – which are used to provide support to KAOS Network and pay for any incidental costs in making the event happen.
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